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Plug and Charge, Scheduled Charging, and Locking

The basic options for controlling how and when you can charge your EV

We support two options for controlling the charging of your EV - Plug and Charge or Scheduled Charging. You can also Lock your charger to prevent any charging from taking your place.

Plug and Charge

When the charger is in Plug and Charge, you can simply plug in an EV and charge at anytime, (unless the charger is locked). This is the simplest option, though it does not help you take advantage of special tariffs or lower rates that may be offered at certain times of day.

The LEDs on the charger will be blue when the charger is set to Plug and Charge and the charger is ready for a car to be plugged in.

Scheduled Charging

When the charger is set to use Scheduled Charging, the charger will only provide power at certain times of day. People often configure a charging window that aligns with their energy provider’s lowest rates, so that they can fill their EV battery for the lowest cost.

The LEDs on the charger will be purple when the charger is set to Scheduled Charging and the charger is ready for a car to be plugged in.

Locking The Charger

Locking your charger will override any other configuration and prevent the charger from charging.

You can tap the Lock icon on the homescreen to either lock or unlock your charger at any time; please note that if a charging session is active the lock will only take effect after the session has finished and the EV has been unplugged.

The LEDs on the charger will be orange when the charger is locked, regardless of any other settings.