LED Statuses

An overview of LED colours for different charger statuses


Solid LED: Ready to use, no car plugged in.

Pulsing LED: Plugged in and waiting for car to start charge 

If the Ring is Pulsing White there is no internet connection


Solid LED - Car is charging.  

The side LED’s indicate the charging rate. The less on show the lower the rate. 

Flashing: Waiting on random delay.


Solid LED: Set to scheduled charge but no car plugged in.

Pulsing LED: Car plugged in, waiting to start charging accordingly to set schedule.


Solid LED: Charger Locked

Flashing LED: A Locked charger is trying to be used.


Solid LED: Charger inhibited due to lack of solar export (Super Eco Mode Only)

Pulsing LED: Charger stopped from app.


The Charger’s safety system has activated. The unit is no longer charging your car.

Check status in the Hypervolt App and refer to Troubleshooting