Hypervolt App Settings

Configuration Options

Charger Selection and Settings

At the top of the Settings screen you’ll see a list of chargers adopted by your account. In most cases, this is a single charger. If you need to add more chargers to your account, the Add Chargers button will guide you through the adoption process.

If you click on Charger Settings, you’ll be taken to the list of device-specific settings you can change. There are many configurable options here, and more may get added over time:

My Device

Clicking on your device at the top will allow you to edit the name of the charger as displayed in your account, as well as displaying the device type, serial number, and current firmware version.

You’d also have the option to perform a factory reset or un-adopt the device, but you should only take these actions when directed to do so by our Customer Support team.

LED Brightness

You can change the brightness of the LED display on the device to 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100%.

LED Modes

This section is where you’d select one of the special LED modes for the charger, which override the normal status indications with a specially-themed colour and pattern.

You can also disable the special LED mode if you’d like to return to normal functionality.

Schedule Charge

This takes you to the controls for your charger’s schedule; see Schedules and Charging Modes for more information.

Network Settings

This area allows you to reconfigure the wifi settings of your charger. Note that you must be standing within 5m of your charger and connected via Bluetooth for this to work!

Energy Tariff

This is where you’d configure the energy cost from your home energy tariff, if you want to be able to see cost information elsewhere in the application or generate energy usage reports with accurate costs.

You can add different tariffs for different times of day. Please note that we cannot currently support backdating tariff information, so if you depend on accurate cost information it is important that you keep this up to date!

Max Current Limit

If you want to reduce the maximum current for charging your EV through the charger, you can use the slider on this screen to set the rate. Note that this will not override the maximum current set in hardware at the time of installation.

Random Start

According to The Electric Vehicles (Smart Charge Points) Regulations 2021, all EV chargers installed in the United Kingdom must include a random start function by default. This functionality protects the grid from getting overwhelmed in the event in a situation where a power cut has taken place, energy is restored, and all EVs in the affected area suddenly start consuming large amounts of power (similar to a phenomenon known as “TV Pickup”).

You can use this setting to disable or enable the random start, which is enabled by default on all new Hypervolt EV chargers.

Account Settings

This section allows you to change a few preferences related to your account and the Hypervolt App.

Personal Details

You can change the image which shows as your profile picture using this section

Change password

If you need to change your account password, clicking this button will send you an email with a link to reset your password. We only support password changes via these secure links, in order to protect your account from unauthorized changes in the case where somebody has access to your mobile device.

App Theme

You have three options for the visual theme of the Hypervolt App and can toggle between them here:

  • System (matches your mobile device settings)
  • Light (will always use light mode)
  • Dark (will always use dark mode)